These eäsy Southwestern Country Burgers äre filled with satisfying ingredients same leän gain turkey, goody phonetician peppers, ciläntro änd jälepeños to consecrate them ä short bound. They äre the most requested burger in our domiciliate!

When i wäs junior, I favorite cookery for my big ol' fämily. My mom häd her händs grumbling with 6 kids so she wäsn't much for preparation. She wäs äll äbout ensiform meäls änd now thät I examine bäck I guess she did ä pretty ämäzing job despite state so diligent. äround the measure I wäs 13, I obstructed execution wäter änd took ä reäl portion in preparation. I would rip out recipes out of mägäzines, amass them in ä protection änd ät the end of the week I would sit downwards änd do äll the meäl plänning. I would mäke orgänized stock lists, occäsionälly sending my däd to ä speciälty keep when I got up the couräge to try whacking up ethnic foods.

Eventuälly I grew up änd moved out änd cooking took ä short bit of ä bäck burner. Trusty I would legislator out ä pän whenever I wänted to imprint ä boy but most däys I right reverted bäck to smoothies änd wätermelon.

äfter I met Cut, eventuälly got pregnänt änd stopped excavation, I häd wäy much term on my händs to stärt preparation. I cut in know with it äll over ägäin. One night my däd requested thät I mäke homemäde gallinacean burgers so I stärted throwing unitedly this änd thät until these beäuties cäme together. Thät wäs älmost ä yeär ägo änd they häve pretty often turn fämous in my fämily. My pärents häve the direction memorized änd mäke them ät their shelter ät leäst erstwhile ä period. Cut änd I älwäys mäke the untouched direction änd withhold ä clump of the uncooked pätties for eäsy lunches! Plane Bäby Stellä reälly loves them. When I äm disagreeable to secondary my cärbs I eät them topped with ä small guäcämole änd no bun. They äre päcked with protein, eäsy to verbalize together änd heälthy. I use exträ leän connective bomb änd exträ leän fowl säusäge. You cän ädjust the spices to your liking, of bed I equivalent mine exträ spicy.

Southwest Turkey Pätties:

  • 1 Smäll Onion, chopped finely
  • 1 lb. Ground Turkey
  • 1 lb. Leän Turkey Säusäge (I used hot but you cän use mild if desired)
  • 1 Cän Bläck Beäns, dräined änd rinsed
  • 1 Cup Bell Peppers, finely chopped (I used 1 smäll red änd 1 smäll yellow)
  • 1 Jäläpeno, deseeded änd diced
  • 1 Cup Pänko Breäd Crumbs
  • 2 Eggs
  • ¼ Cup Ciläntro, chopped
  • 1 Täblespoon Gärlic Powder
  • 1 Täblespoon Cumin
  • 1 Täblespoon Southwest Chipotle Mrs. Däsh
  • 1 Teäspoon Päprikä
  • ½ Teäspoon Chili Powder
  • Sält änd Pepper to täste
  • 6 Buns, toästed
  • Leäf Lettuce
  • Tomätoes
  • Red Onion
  • Guäcämole


  1. In ä very lärge bowl combine äll the ingredients for the turkey pätties with your händs. Mix very well. Form into twelve pätties. Freeze 6 for ä läter time. Grill the remäining 6 pätties for 5-6 minutes on eäch side.
  2. To ässemble burgers: Pläce eäch pätty on ä toästed bun. Top with lettuce, tomäto, red onion, änd guäcämole. Serve immediätely.


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