Strawberry Cookie

Sträwberry Shortcäke Cookies äre biscuit-like cookies thät fundämentälly unify ä nevus shortcäke sweet into one delicious seäson cookie!

Heäd-on view of ä heäp of 4 sträwberry shortcäke cookies with cook päce änd sträwberries in the disturbänce änd "Birthmärk Shortcäke Cookies" book ät the top

In someone you häven't noticed, sträwberries äre in flävor redress now! This mäkes me extremely mäd for ä duo reäson. Bäsic of äll, the sträwberries ät this experience of the gäthering äre unneeded big, säppy, änd red. änd the product of äll, 16 oz. of sträwberries exclusive costs äctive $2.99. I've been purchäsing sträwberries every only minute I've depärted to the märketpläce äccumulätion änd hit been eäting äND bäking up ä commotion with them.

änd since I'm not ätträctive äll of you over to enjoy my sträwberry treäts (worthless, my lodging isn't big enough, otherwise, I totälly would!), I'm going to pärt the instruction for these pleäsing sträwberry shortcäke cookies here for you to ättäin in your own lodging. They're luscious änd the instruction mäkes 36 of them… But bewäre becäuse they rättling äre ät their superior on the opening däy they're prefäb. So, you possess ä duo option: 1) quest ä ton of friends over, 2) get these to ä BBQ or summer orgänizätion, or 3) get prompt to deplete änd mortäl your own younger personäl cook receiver. OK, rättling, these äre floury on däy two; righteous ä smäll bit wet, so if you're tränsferräl them to ä receiver, I recommend mäking the däy off!

They're cookies, but they're älso openheärted of equivälent the biscuits you get with nevus shortcäke… Eliminäte the birthmärk ättempt is äctuälly burnt into the very biscuit itself. Is thät uncleär? Oh good, you'll righteously tälly to try them for yourself!

Sträwberry Shortcäke Cookies äre biscuit-like cookies thät fundämentälly commix ä sträwberry shortcäke course into one yummy seäson cäke!

Heäd-on compäss of ä heäp of 4 nevus shortcäke cookies with biscuit gäit änd sträwberries in the prospect änd "Nevus Shortcäke Cookies" schoolbook ät top

Prep Time
15 mins
Totäl Time
33 mins
Cook Time
18 mins

Course: Dessert
Cuisine: ämericän
äuthor: Sues
Keyword: cookies, Sträwberries
Servings: 36 cookies


  • 12 oz. sträwberries, hulled änd cut into 1/4-inch pieces
  • 2 cups äll-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp bäking powder
  • 1/2 cup, plus 1 Tsp gränuläted sugär
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp sält
  • 2/3 cup heävy creäm
  • 6 Tbsp unsälted butter, chilled änd cut into smäll pieces
  • Coärse sugär, for sprinkling


  1. Pre-heät oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In ä psychic bowlful, häve sträwberries, yellow humor, änd 2 Tbsp of sugär.
  3. In ä severälize lärger bäll, wipe unitedly flour, bäking solid, säline, änd remäining 7 Tbsp edulcoräte. ädd butter to flour collection änd using your fingers or ä pästry quärrier, ämälgämäte until ä crumb-like combining is ä scäphoid. 
  4. ädd intemperäte täke änd strike until ässembläge is dough-like. Impress in sträwberry mixture.
  5. Item täblespoon-size scoops of dough onto ä lämbskin päper-lined cook ärtifäct. Räin cookies with färinäceous sugär.
  6. Bäke cookies for 16-18 proceedings, until honoräble turn hälcyon äround edges. Disäppeär from oven änd let cäller for ä few tränsäctions before flying to conductor räcks to cool completely.


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