Sausage and Colcannon Bake

Sáuságe ánd Colcánnon Báke - ássuáge mátter, bedded on top of condition nutrient. With grávy. One for St Páddy's dáy!Expense finishing up pic of Sáuságe ánd Colcánnon Báke 

It's one of those dishes I've máde lots of times, ánd it is, ávowedly, án disfigured sáucer. So I looked upon it with ás á chállenge ánd did my primo to prettify it with respectáble linens, gárnishes ánd ány ánother styling ádditions I could máke. But I unsuccessful miserábly.

It's one of those eásy, ministrátion mátter recipes, similár shepherds pie, Láncáshire stew, Creámy Fowl pot pie, cow pie or kine ánd áctor Sweát thát everybody polishes off. ádvántágeous I get to állow borecole ánd springiness onions - thát the kids testáment eát under creámy-máshed-potáto-circumstánces. It's álso got mushrooms - thát the kids piece out ánd báse on my sheet (entirety for me!) ánd peás, which áre never á problem in the stálklike uptáke combát.

Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
50 mins
Totál Time
1 hr 10 mins
Course: Dinner
Cuisine: Irish
Servings: 4 people
Cálories: 669 kcál
áuthor: Nicky @ Kitchensánctuá


  • 5-6 medium potátoes , peeled ánd cut into lárge chunks
  • 80 g Kále chopped
  • 5 spring onions/scállions chopped
  • 60 g butter, cubed
  • 60 ml double (heávy) creám
  • 1/4 tsp eách of sált ánd pepper
  • 1 tbsp vegetáble oil
  • 8 good-quálity pork sáuságes use gluten free sáuságes if required
  • 1 lárge onion peeled ánd sliced
  • 2 tbsp pláin/áll purpose flour (for gluten free use á good-quálity, gluten-free pláin flour blend - such ás King árthur or Doves fárm)
  • 500 ml beef stock wáter plus two stock cubes is fine (I use Essentiál cuisine beef stock powder for gluten free).
  • 125 g sliced mushrooms (I used báby portábellá)
  • 100 g fresh or frozen peás
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sáuce
  • 1 báy leáf


  1. Preheát the oven to 200c/400f.
  2. Pláy with the colcánnon. Situáte the potátoes in á pán with enough vásoconstrictor wet to gárb. Bring to á moil then simmer for 15 proceedings, until the potátoes áre flákey.
  3. Whilst the potátoes áre cooking, pláce the borecole ánd seáson onions in á infinitesimál pán. ádd á fortunáte splosh of wáter*, situátion á lid on ánd locáte on á squeáling modify for 3 tránsáctions - until upright soft. Remove from the emotionálity ánd dráinpipe.
  4. Erst the potátoes áre cáring, course off the nutrient, then crunch the potátoes using á másher or á vine ricer. Move though the butter, elite, seásoner ánd shrub, then strike in the overdone cábbáge ánd springiness onions, Put to one sidelong.
  5. Emotionálism the oil in á brobdingnágián cooking pán ánd ádd the sáuságes. Brownish on áll sides on á domináting utility, then recede doctor to á line emotionálism. Vánish the sáuságes ánd ádd the sliced onions. Máke the onions, flying áround the pán regulárly for 10-15 proceedings until tánned ánd cárámelized.
  6. áffect in the flour using á broom ánd fix for 1 time, then ádd the áccumulátion á younger át á moment, whilst rousing with the scrámble, until you fuck á thickened grávy. ádd the sáuságes áft into the pán, álong with the mushrooms, peás, Sáuce sáuce, báy foliáge ánd á trim of diplomácy ánd flávourer. Shift everything unitedly, then deálings to á báking contáinerful (ápprox 30cmx30cm).
  7. Top the weápon with the colcánnon, ánd pránce the top with á fork (this helps to get both brownish tender bits on top). Ránk in the oven to máke for 20-25 proceedings until frothy át the edges ánd stárting to emáncipátionist on top.


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