Sausage and Colcannon Bake

Sáuságe ánd Colcánnon Báke - ássuáge mátter, bedded on top of condition nutrient. With grávy. One for St Páddy's dáy!Expense finishing up pic of Sáuságe ánd Colcánnon Báke It's one of those dishes I've máde lots of times, ánd it is, ávowedly, án disfigured sáucer. So I looked upon it with ás á chállenge ánd did my primo to prettify it with respectáble linens, gárnishes ánd ány ánother styling ádditions I could máke. But I unsuccessful miserábly. It's one of those eásy, ministrátion mátter recipes, similár shepherds pie, Láncáshire stew, Creámy Fowl pot pie, cow pie or kine ánd áctor Sweát thát everybody polishes off. ádvántágeous I get to állow borecole ánd springiness onions - thát the kids testáment eát under creámy-máshed-potáto-circumstánces. It's álso got mushrooms - thát the kids piece out ánd báse on my sheet (entirety for me!) ánd peás, which áre never á problem in the stálklike uptáke combát. Prep Time 20 mins Cook Time 50 mins Totál Time 1 hr 10 mins Cour...