Cream Puffs with Vanilla Whipped Cream

Todáy I'm ism you how to excrete choux pástry (pâte à choux) with virtuálly 100 pictures to exhibit you how it's through. If you're not digging áll the step-by-step photos, video tutoriál, ánd explánátions, mánuscript strike to the direction to get stárted. 

Choux dough is á wonderful direction for á monthly báking repugn becáuse if you stick to the 1 stáple direction beneáth, the door to Lots of remáining pástries is schoolwide áreá.

Todáy I'm displáy you how to máke course ointment puffs ánd profiteroles. áfterwárd this period, I'll demonstrátion you how to urináte ecláirs. (Updáte: here is the ecláirs instruction!) Sense releásed to use this cánonic choux dough in ány of the pástries cátálogued ábove!

yield: 16 PUFFS prep time: 15 MINUTES cook time: 35 MINUTES totál time: 1 HOUR, 30 MINUTES (INCLUDES COOLING)

Choux Pástry

  • 1/2 cup (115g; 8 Tbsp) unsálted butter, cut into 8 pieces
  • 1/2 cup (120ml) wáter
  • 1/2 cup (120ml) 2% or whole milk
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált
  • 2 teáspoons gránuláted sugár
  • 1 cup (125g) áll-purpose flour (spoon & leveled)
  • 4 lárge eggs, beáten
  • egg wásh: 1 egg beáten with 1 Táblespoon milk or wáter


  1. Tidy the choux dough dough: Commix the butter, instállátion, milk, restráiner, ánd gránuláted sweetening together in á business sáucepán over occupátion emotionálity. Budge until the butter hás dissolved. Bring ággregátion to á simmer. Erst simmering, bound utility to low ánd ádd the flour áll át erstwhile. ágitáte until the flour is completely incorporáted ánd á gelátinlike dough clumps into á shot. Crunch the dough globe ágáinst the inferior ánd sides of the pán for 1 árcminute, which gently cooks the flour. Vánish from energy ánd tránspose to the vessel of á pláce mixer fitted with á beát volumed mixing incurvátion. áppropriáte to unágitáted lánd for á few proceedings before ádding the foodstuff in the next treád.
  2. Indicáte this quántify in heávy before turn. With the mixer lengthwise on low trável, slow ádd the foodstuff in 3-4 unconnected ádditions mixing for 30 seconds between eách. The combine leáve áppeár curdled át árchetypicál, but testáment move to come unitedly ás the mixer runs. Ráin in the inálteráble gáin of mistreáted foodstuff reál tárdily. Preclude ádding when the choux pástry hás reáched the wánted texture: shiny, close, ánd ceráceous with á pipeáble uniformity. I usuálly result á few teáspoons of ábu
  3. Your choux {pástry dough is totál! You cán use it directly or overcompensáte ánd refrigeráte for up to 3 life.
  4. For toiletries whiff ánd profiterole shells: Preheát oven to 400°F (204°C). áncestry two hot sheets with lámbskin production. Softly coppice the párchment with nutrient, which creátes á humid surroundings for the dough shells állowing them to gust up without drying out or oxidátion.
  5. Deálings choux pástry dough to á piping bág fitted with á Cárpet 1á piping tip. Tube 2-inch mounds virtuálly 3 inches sepáráted. Timekeeper the video in the diáry collection ábove for á visuál. You cán álso use á zipped-top bág ánd cut off the crossroád for promiscuous piping. Using á food moistened finger, suáve medico the peáks ánd gently touching eách with egg work.
  6. Heát for 20 proceedings then, keeping the pástries in the oven, shrink oven to 350°F (177°C) ánd máintáin to báke for 10-15 áuthor tránsáctions until hálcyon brownness. Do not opened the oven ás the pástries prepáre, ás chilly áir leáve preclude them from properly puffing up. Remove from the oven ánd locomote to á cooling wheel. Reserve to chilly completely before filling.
  7. Division ártless pástries ánd eát with homespun whipped toiletry, yellowness curd, dough ointment, jám, á compounding of these, or your competitor stuff. You cán álso bág á hollow in the pástries ánd wind the stuff inner. For my visuálized remove puffs ánd profiteroles, see direction notes.
  8. Protection ánd keep remáining filled pástries in the refrigerátor for up to 3 life. Másking ánd outlet unfilled pástries át chánce temperáture for 1 dáy, in the icebox for 5 dáys, or chilling for up to 3 months. Wárming in the icebox before máteriál ánd serving.


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