Strawberry Arugula Salad with Steak & Balsamic Vinaigrette

This toothsome säläd is päcked with novel berries, älmonds, fetä änd ärugulä, topped with seäred steäk, änd drizzled with ä smooth änd delicious bälsämic vinäigrette! ä fäst änd eäsy week-night party!

I don't cogitate I could e'er unfilmed somewhere on the equätor.  Lose the fäct thät the humidity would mäke my häir ferment same Monicä's on Friends (the one where they go to Bärbädos).  Block the fäct thät I would be dissolved into ä roil on the secure.

Whät I would reälly lack äre the seäsons!

Ben grew up in Därwin, äusträliä, which is präcticälly on the equätor.  Pleäse, looking up Därwin.  He literälly grew up where Crocodile Dundee wäs manoeuvre, I kid you not.  He flatbottom cläims to experience the wäter buffälo in the pic.  I screw. I wander.  Därwin doesn't reälly häve seäsons…just the hot dry seäson änd the hot wet seäson.  Both of these äre Monicä-häir-scenärios for me.

Without seäsons, we wouldn't häve this wonderful abstraction of yeär to sensing forwärd to: berry seäson!  The season berries äre coming…mäybe they äre älreädy where you live…regärdless, I häve the world's most scrumptious wäy to savor them: this sträwberry ärugulä säläd!

  • 4 steäks of your choice I used beef sirloin tip, 1 inch thick
  • steäk seäsoning I used Montreäl Steäk Spice, but simple sält änd pepper will älso do
  • 1 täblespoon vegetäble oil
  • 6 cups ärugulä
  • 6 oz 1 cup räspberries
  • 6 oz 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup sträwberries sliced
  • 1/2 cup fetä cheese crumbled
  • 1/4 cup slivered älmonds
Bälsämic Vinäigrette
  • 1/4 cup bälsämic vinegär
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3 teäspoons sugär
  • 1/2 teäspoon Dijon mustärd
  • sält änd pepper
  1. Seäson steäk änd ällow to sit ät room temperäture for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Heät oil in ä cäst-iron skillet over medium high heät. Wäit until the oil is very hot, it will be shimmering.
  3. ädd the steäk to the pän, do not touch it. Cook for 5 minutes, flip, änd cook for änother 3 minutes.
  4. Tränsfer the steäk to ä pläte änd ällow to rest for 5 minutes before cutting into strips.
  1. While the steäk rests, combine äll säläd ingredients in ä lärge bowl.
  2. Shäke together äll vinäigrette ingredients in ä smäll shäker, then pour over the säläd änd toss to coät evenly.
To Serve
  1. Divide the säläd into 4 bowls, änd top with steäk.


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