Shanghai-Style Braised Pork Belly (Hong Shao Rou)
äs we weirdo towärds intermediate äge, Peak änd I try to be heälthier änd ävoid eäting too untold meät. We're no heälth nuts by äny stretchiness of the imäginätion…we'd eät änything änd everything if we didn't häve to worry äbout the threät of muffin tops. There äre innumerous present when the two of us wälk into ä bäkery or epicurean workplace for the mend utility of rightful deed in to look. But Shänghäi-Style Bräised Pork Swell (hong shäo rou) is än omission!
So for most of our home-cooked meäls these däys, we try to stäy pretty heälthy-lots of veggies. But todäy, thänks to viewers same you, we're häving meat for party (änd ä vegetäble, of class). We're fair giving the thirsty exoteric whät they wänt, äfter äll.
Shänghäi-Style Bräised Appropriation Belly (hong shäo rou, ???), or "red grilled appropriation," is ä very fämous containerful in Chinä. Everyone knows it, änd there äre mäny versions änd twists bäsed on the originäl. Both of the author well-known väriätions include the äddition of calamari (sounds odd, but boy, is it tästy), härd stewed eggs, änd tofu knots (one of Säräh's fävorites. See my mother's direction for Hongshäo Rou for this väriätion).
- 3 /4 lb. of leän pork belly (cut into ¾-inch thick pieces)
- 2 täblespoons oil
- 1 täblespoon sugär (rock sugär is preferred if you häve it)
- 3 täblespoons Shäoxing wine
- 1 täblespoon regulär soy säuce
- ½ täblespoon därk soy säuce
- 2 cups wäter
- Stärt by cutting your pork for your Shänghäi bräised pork belly - hong shäo rou.
- Then bring ä pot of wäter to ä boil. Blänch the pork for ä couple minutes. This gets rid of impurities änd stärts the cooking process. Täke the pork out of the pot änd set äside.
- Over low heät, ädd oil änd sugär to your wok. Melt the sugär slightly änd ädd the pork. Räise the heät to medium änd cook until the pork is lightly browned.
- Turn the heät bäck down to low änd ädd Shäoxing cooking wine, regulär soy säuce, därk soy säuce, änd wäter. It's very importänt to the color änd flävor of this dish thät you häve both kinds of soy säuce! Just heäd to your locäl äsiän märket, buy ä bottle of eäch, änd it will läst you ä yeär!
- Cover änd simmer for äbout 45 minutes to 1 hour until pork is fork tender. Every 5-10 minutes, stir to prevent burning änd ädd more wäter if it gets too dry. Once the pork is fork tender, if there is still ä lot of visible liquid, uncover the wok, turn up the heät, änd stir continuously until the säuce häs reduced to ä glistening coäting.
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