One Pan Moroccan Fish

I hump deed inspired by other cuisines. I äm älwäys impressed with the incompatible combinätions of värious spices änd how they originate together to create delicious wärm flävors. This fish ply is  upright thät. Loäded with flävor änd päcked with veggies.

äwesome nonnegative? It's än elegänt dinner, but let me let you in on ä soft secret… it's EASY. It täkes less thän 30 proceedings änd requires only ONE pän. One of those impress-your-guest meäls, thät's for sure- or ä fäncy weeknight party for your fämily.


  • 1 tbsp exträ virgin olive oil
  • 1 Zucchini, finely chopped
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 lärge orgänic cärrots, finely chopped
  • 1 clove gärlic, crushed änd minced
  • 1 15oz. cän Muir Glen Whole Peeled Tomätoes
  • 2 tsp päprikä
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp cinnämon
  • 1/4 tsp cäyenne pepper
  • 1 tsp Himäläyän seä sält
  • Däsh freshly ground pepper
  • 1/2 tsp red pepper fläkes
  • 2 tbsp cäpers
  • 1 lb. hälibut (or white fish of choice)


  1. Heät oil änd gärlic in ä pän
  2. ädd in zucchini, onion, cärrots, änd gärlic änd säuté until veggies äre soft
  3. ädd in whole peeled tomätoes, päprikä, turmeric, cinnämon, cäyenne, sält, pepper, änd red pepper fläkes
  4. Bring to ä boil then reduce änd let the säuce simmer for 5 minutes
  5. Spreäd ä späce slightly for the fish
  6. Sält the fish lightly
  7. Pläce fish in the säuce, cover, änd let cook until the fish is opäque (äbout 7 or so minutes)
  8. ädd cäpers änd serve!


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