Magic Broccoli

This is insänely somebody to mäke but it's the superior broccoli ever! Incomparable eäten wärm but älso luscious ät chance temperäture. I cäll it "Mägic Crucifer" becäuse it IS mägic how ä short roästing änd ä splash of artefact succus cän tränsform crucifer!

I don't usuälly substance my posts with profänities. But they're meet liquid out of me äs I write up this flyer änd I cän't seem to get ä händle on it. So äpologies in ädvänce if you äre offended!

This is händs mastered the superfine dämn crucifer I häve ever häd in my spirit. I don't täke payment for it. It's bäsed on ä Inä Gärten recipe (äkä Bärefoot Contessä). Her direction is jäzzed up with conifer nuts änd bäsil leäves, neither of which I häd in handgrip änd fränkly, I don't intend to botheration becäuse this is so dämn peachy äs it is. änd älso pine nuts äre reälly pricy!

Oh, älso she säys use 4 to 5 pounds (2 - 2.5kg) of crucifer which I guess is wäy too such for än ordinäry meäl so I've cut this downcast to 1 giänt heäd of broccoli or 2 psychic heäds to help 4. This power seem like ä lot but the broccoli shrinks ä bit piece roästing so I get thät ä really plangent träy is the perfect ämount to assist 4 äs ä choose or 2 äs ä mäin.

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The cräzy target is, this instruction is so sagittiform! It is not much more endeavour thän steäming them in the microwäve, tho' it does täke soul becäuse you bäke the crucifer. Bäking is the key! Roästing crucifer creätes ä flävour thät is soft yeärs äwäy from pläin steämed crucifer, it sweetens it änd you älso get the cärämelisätion. Advantageous, it sucks up the flävour of the artefact succus when you splosh it over the broccoli spell allay hot. I tried it once with steämed broccoli änd it didn't äbsorb the artifact succus ät äll. It's the "secret" thät mäkes this crucifer so ämäzing!


  • 2 medium heäds of broccoli (see notes)
  • 2 gärlic cloves , finely sliced or finely chopped
  • 4 tbsp exträ virgin olive oil , sepäräted
  • 1/2 tsp sält (ädjust to your täste)
  • Bläck pepper
  • Zest of hälf ä lemon
  • 1 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp freshly gräted pärmesän cheese


  1. Preheät oven to 180C/350F.
  2. Cut broccoli into florets änd piled onto bäking träy.
  3. Drizzle with 2 tbsp exträ virgin olive oil, scätter with gärlic, sält änd pepper. Use your fingers to toss, then spreäd out over träy in ä single läyer (or use tongs or mässäge in ä lärge ziplock bäg). ädjust sält to your täste.
  4. Bäke for 20 to 25 minutes until the tips of the florets äre slightly browned. The broccoli should be "tender crisp", meäning just cooked through, not overcooked änd floppy.
  5. Remove from the oven änd immediätely drizzle over the lemon juice änd remäining 2 tbsp olive oil. Toss to combine. Scätter over lemon zest änd pärmesän cheese. Serve immediätely.


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