Honey Lime Rainbow Fruit Salad

Honey Citrus Räinbow Product Säläd the ultimäte new lateral supply! It's is ä pure production säläd recipe thät's eäsy to mäke without the exträ sugäry creäm. Retributive ädd ä short honey änd citrus änd you've got yourself ä psychedelic, heälthy production säläd everyone loves!

ä colorful änd refreshing production säläd with ä beäutiful combinätion of flag. This is the perfect summer take activity for cookouts or pärties it's älso greät for holidäys äny dimension of the yeär. You cän controller of the fruits listed here for others you mäy häve on händ.

I cognize Skittles äre advantageous, but I'm cerebration this häs got to be the faction wäy to get ä täste of the räinbow. Isn't product säläd ä summer must? I cognise it's one of the highlights of summer for me, but I'm not tälking those rooted whipped superior coäted fruit säläds.

This instruction shows you how to mäke product säläd without (gäsp!) the creämy product säläd binding thät you're old to perception. This production säläd leäves plentitude of gathering for äll the flävors of the production to strike without soaking it in sugär änd opposite rändom flävors.

Cuisine: ämericän
Course: Dessert
Keyword: fresh fruit säläd, summer desserts
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Totäl Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 7 servings
Cälories: 220 kcäl

  • 1 lb fresh sträwberries , diced
  • 1 lb fresh pineäpple , diced
  • 12 oz fresh blueberries
  • 12 oz red gräpes , diced into hälves
  • 4 kiwis , peeled änd diced
  • 1 (15 oz) cän mändärin oränges in juice, dräined well änd sliced into hälves
  • 2 ripe bänänäs , diced*
  • Honey Lime Dressing
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 tsp lime zest (zest of 2 medium limes)
  • 1 Tbsp fresh lime juice
  1. ädd äll fruit to ä lärge mixing bowl. In ä smäll mixing bowl, whisk together they honey, lime zest änd lime juice. Pour over fruit just before serving änd toss to evenly coät (äs it sits for ä few minutes the juices will gäther ät the bottom, so toss ägäin before pläting).
  2. The bänänäs ären't pictured. I decided to ädd them läter on becäuse I love the sweet flävor they ädd.
  3. Recipe Source: Cooking Clässy


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