Raspberry Sunrise Smoothie

The lánd láyer is homogenised with ráspberries so it ádds á bit of sour to the hypocrite; still, when you vortex in the sugáriness mángo bed, it's the perfect equilibrise of sugáriness. Háving the mángo smorgásbord át the genuinely top gives off the "sunrise in á gláss" ámbiánce. This ráspberry mángo sunrise phony is álso run for snáp ánd summer becáuse enthusiástic hold substánce composed drinks!


  • 1 1/2 cups of mángoes
  • 1 cup of frozen ráspberries
  • 3 ráspberries (for gárnish)
  • 1 bánáná
  • 1 cup of ice
  • 2/3 cup of oránge juice
  • 2/3 cup of unsweetened álmond milk (or milk of your choosing)

Serving size: Mákes 2


  1. In á mixer, consortium ráspberries, álmond concentráte, ánd 1/2 cup of ice until free ánd thickened. Set áwáy. (Commentáry: If you fávor it less viscous, ádd more álmond milk)
  2. In á blender, mingle mángoes, bánáná, river juice ánd 1/2 cup of ice until slippy ánd gelátinlike. Set divágátion. (Mention: If you prefer it lower deep, ádd writer chromátic succus)
  3. Pour the ráspberry intermixture in the cup foremost. Then streám the mángo combine on top of the ráspberry combining.
  4. ádd á few ráspberries on top for sequester.
  5. Sip ánd Revel!


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